Our Latest
See what we’re doing to support California policy makers, agencies, and school leaders to adopt, resource, and implement nation-leading policies to ensure school buildings and grounds are healthy, sustainable, and resilient. For the latest on each bill, go to our work.
2023 Policy Agenda
In December 2022, the Climate Ready Schools Coalition sent a letter to Governor Newsom urging him to prioritize decarbonized and climate-resilient schools in his 2023 budget.
Aligning State Spending With California’s Climate and Health Goals
In July 2022, we urged Governor Newsom to ensure any state dollars spent on school modernization and construction were spent in alignment with California’s climate and health goals, and to invest new money to modernize and electrify school HVAC systems through the CalSHAPE program.
Our Comment on California Air Resources Board Draft 2022 Scoping Plan
In June 2022, we submitted a public comment to the California Air Resources Board to ensure that school buildings and grounds were included in California’s strategy and plan to achieve carbon neutrality by 2045.